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Businesses by year of establishment

Year Amount
2019 107
2020 86
2021 97
2022 114
2023 103
2024 88

Businesses by location

Locality Amount Amount %
Iisalmi 1721 74.44
Sonkajärvi 292 12.63
Vieremä 299 12.93

Businesses by turnover

Turnover Amount Amount %
No information 140 7.49
B 1 - 199 k€ 1226 65.60
C 200 - 399 k€ 122 6.53
D 400 - 999 k€ 135 7.22
E 1 - 2 M€ 59 3.16
F 2 - 10 M€ 82 4.39
G 10 - 20 M€ 12 0.64
H 20 M€ - 93 4.98

Businesses by number of staff

Number of employees Amount Amount %
Ingen uppgift 208 10.98
B 0 - 4 1407 74.25
C 5 - 9 134 7.07
D 10 - 19 55 2.90
E 20 - 49 46 2.43
F 50 - 99 23 1.21
G 100 - 249 16 0.84
H 250 - 499 2 0.11
I 500 - 999 4 0.21