
This business and service directory provides information on companies operating in the region as well as their products and the services available.

PLEASE NOTE! The numbers of the companies are only indicative: Some branches of business and company types are not included, or some companies do not want their information to be presented. On the other hand, some companies have multiple outlets. Therefore, the number of companies displayed on this website should not be construed as official company and branch numbers for a region, municipality or industry.

The official information on the number of companies and different industries by municipality can be found on Statistics Finland’s website: Statistics Finland’s PXWeb Databases


  • Through Company search, you can find the public basic information (business ID, contact information, industry/TOL, founding date, company type, size category, turnover category) in the Finnish Trade Register
  • Through Service search, you can search for the services and products of the companies in the whole area or in each municipality by filtering product and service names in 20 main categories and more than 160 subcategories.
  • The Trade Register information of new businesses and businesses closed down in the region is automatically updated on this website on a monthly basis.
  • The descriptions of the companies’ operations, products and services are maintained by the companies themselves. You should check each company’s own website to make sure that the information is up to date.

Do you want to add or update information about your company? – This is what to do:

  1. Search the directory for your company page, for example using the search function on the homepage.
  2. Click on the button "Update your company’s information" at the bottom of the page.
  3. Please enter the email address you use most often when dealing on behalf of your company. If your email address is found in our system, the directory service will immediately send you an email with a link to a form that allows you to update your company information.
  4. Otherwise, please fill in the contact form that appears. We will reply to your message by sending you an email with a link to the company update form.
  5. Submit the form.
  6. When you receive the link, please update the information on the form carefully. Pay special attention to the Service Directory drop-down menu, where you can decide which services you want your business to be found under. Please also enter a concise description of your core services in the Products and Services field. The content of this field will be used as part of your company's keywords in the service.


Please, send us an e-mail and we will contact you. Go to contact information page

Responsibility for the accuracy of the information

The providers and administrators of the website are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any public information in this business and service register, which has been sourced from the Finnish Trade Register or supplied by the companies themselves. We are only responsible for maintaining and developing the functionality of this company and service search website in cooperation with the website’s creator, Hakosalo Oy, which is responsible for the website’s technical maintenance and functionality.